
Friday, November 8, 2019

My E-asttle Story.

Ola Fellow bloggers! <3

It's Term 4 and that means end of the year testing! Yay... In week 4 We had to do a total of 6 tests so far! One of them being an E-asttle writing test to see how good we are at writing! Here is both of my Pieces of writing! Any feedback would be appreciated! <3


The day things started disappearing started with me waking up in a pitch black room,
I remember falling asleep on a comfy bed, but I try to move to see if I fell off my bed but I instantly
start crying from how much my back hurts, I feel around trying to see if my stuffed toy was near me,
but it wasn't. I then tried feeling for my blanket that I fell asleep with it on top of me, but it wasn't there.
I then felt a cold draft come from the window. I look up to my window and see the glass is no longer
there, neither are my curtains. It seemed like it was midnight but I couldn’t see a single cloud, star or
even a moon in sight. I try to roll over to check if there was anything in my room but all I could feel
was pain. ‘I had to push through the pain if I want to find out what happened’ I told myself just so I
could gain the willpower to even do anything.

I eventually moved onto my other side, all I wanted was a pain killer to stop the pain so I could fall
back asleep. But there was no pain killer on my bedside table, nor the bedside table itself.
I felt myself shiver and I knew something happened while I was sleeping. I wished I had night
vision so I could see what was the case, but I wasn't able to since i’m not magical. I pushed
through the tornado of pain and crawled to my door, I used the little strength I had to push the door
open and then I facepalmed into the ground, I felt exhausted and powerless. All I wanted was my
bed so I could fall asleep. But it didn’t seem like I could, even the carpet was gone. I eventually
looked up to nothing, it seemed like my parents moved out the house but I doubt they would leave
me behind. I crawl with the thought that I could hug my parents and that this was normal,
but when I peak over past the door frame hoping to see my parents and their bed, but I didn’t
see a thing.

I felt powerless and I wanted to scream in agonising pain but I knew that it would do nothing.
I wasn't able to take my mind off the pain in my back and me holding back my tears.
I eventually gave up and screamed my heart out, Hoping somebody would come and save me
from this horror. But… Nobody did. I couldn’t scream no more since my voice just left me and so
did my parents, my throat, back and heart are hurting. I couldn’t even cry. I had nothing left,
I was starving and exhausted. I didn’t understand what and how. I can’t even fall asleep.
All I could do was wait until some sort of miracle happened. But that even seemed unlikely.

Soon enough, seconds become minutes, minutes become hours, hours become days and
I'm still here. I’m still suffering and I don’t see me stopping. It seems that I've been left here to die,
to suffer a painful and long death. It seems like it was all planned and at first, I didn’t even realise it.
I didn’t even realise that this could’ve been planned. And I wished I had. I shut my eyes…
Hoping that this will all be put to an end… Hoping that I can forget about how this all happened…
Hoping the pain would go away… Soon enough, my suffering finally ended. I had died.
I don’t understand how or why it had to be me to suffer this painful death.
I didn’t look everywhere but I couldn’t bear the pain anymore.


P.S They are similar ;w;


The day things started disappearing. I can remember waking up with a sore back and a
stiff neck. I didn’t understand what had happened, I remember falling asleep on a comfy
bed that wasn’t hard and wouldn’t hurt my back. 

I opened my eyes, even though I was very tired and looked to see that I was closer to the
ground than normal. In fact, I was on the ground and my room doesn’t have a nice mushy
and fluffy carpet. Instead it has a wooden floor. “No wonder my back hurts” I said to myself
while wondering where my bed went. I then looked around after the thought went away and
saw that not even my toy box in my room. “That is strange, have my parents moved
everything around and I shifted rooms? or have we had a robbery?”. 

Now I was curious and a little bit suspicious of what's going on. I thought to myself
“Yeah this is weird, maybe I should check the other rooms to see if stuff have disappeared
from there”. But I was stopped by the pain coming from my mid to lower back. I felt like
screaming but I also didn’t, instead I started crying my eyes out in salty tears. It felt like I
cried for hours before I couldn’t cry no more, I officially ran out of tears. 

My only choice was to see if I could find a phone, cause mine disappeared while I was in a
deep sleep. I built the courage and will power to move and get on my two feet and get
out of my room. 

Even though I was limping I had the thought running through my head telling me it’s all a
dream and that i’m okay to keep me going. 

When I finally made it to the door my legs felt wobbly, almost like i’ve never walked before
or I just ran 5 marathons in one day. 

I was getting myself hyped up from the positive thoughts circling my brain about how this
is all a dream and I might even get a better bed room. 

But when I pushed my door opened I felt instantly disappointed by what my eyes
were displaying to me. All I saw was a bland and empty hallway. I thought to myself,
“This used to be decorated with so many of my mothers paintings and lovely plants,
where has all of the stuff gone now?”. I felt like something was really up and I had to check
all the rooms in the house to see if this really was real and if my parents
and cats were okay. 

One after another I pushed the doors open, almost like I just lost the most precious thing
to me in my life but I got the same sight, just bland and empty rooms. I was soon running
out of rooms and all my will power. My back was screaming in agonizing pain, my neck
was stiff like it never has been before and my legs felt like they were going to just become
boneless and flop onto the ground and my hopes were destroyed from seeing nothing
in the house. Soon I reached the last door, to the biggest room in the house. I hoped to
the lords that all the furniture is in this one room. 

I slowly pushed the door open and before I got a glimpse of the room I fell to the ground,
face first. I was in so much pain I couldn’t bear it anymore. 

I just started screaming until my voice box said goodbye, I tried to cry a salty tear but
nothing came out. My nose started bleeding from when I hit the ground, my back felt like
I was about to become paralysed, my neck was so stiff I couldn't even turn it left or right,
or shake my head up or down. 

I felt like my whole body just gave up on me. I shut my eyes and hope I can remove the
pain, or someone would notice me. But nobody did, nothing worked. I wanted to look into
that room but I couldn’t move my head. 

I couldn’t turn onto my back either. I was stuck. I now regret getting up, I could’ve crawled
but that would’ve been a bad idea as well. 

I now am telling myself “What was I thinking, I should’ve obeyed the signs.
I should’ve stayed where I was cause then I wouldn’t be stuck in this position or this situation.” 

I felt like I was just left here to die. My parents weren’t home, the cats were gone.
I am in this home with nothing inside. It seemed like I was abandoned, like I was the problem
in my family, the one that caused the fights between my parents, the one who might get them
divorced, and that I was the problem that sucked their wallets dry and their happiness in their
relationship dry. I knew I was the issue in my family. They’re better off without me, Right?
I eventually convinced myself that it is my time to leave this planet.

And that the time has come for a gravestone to say my name, my life span and
how much of an issue I was in my family. It was time for me to say goodbye to this earth.


Friday, October 25, 2019

Genius Hour | All About Me!

Ola Bloggers!

This term we have this thing called Genius Hour! It's where you have an hour (or 90 minutes) to create something you like to do like a hobby or a passion and you have to research then create the item that you researched on to then present it to the whole class! :) Here is what I did for the all about me, basically this All About Me thing was so we could write down what we love to do, learn, what we are good at and what we wonder about. If you have any comments or questions please let me know :)

Friday, October 18, 2019

My Easttle Practice Piece!


This term we have a writing test that is coming up soon so we were allowed to prepare by writing a practice. we had to follow a certain starting sentence and create the story around that in any genre! I chose horror and it started with the day things started disappearing. Here is my story. Any further feedback or questions please comment them and i'll try and answer :)


The day things started disappearing started with me waking up in a pitch black room, I remember falling asleep on a comfy bed, but I try to move to see if I fell off my bed but I instantly start crying from how much my back hurts, I feel around trying to see if my stuffed toy was near me, but it wasn't. I then tried feeling for my blanket that I fell asleep with it on top of me, but it wasn't there. I then felt a cold draft come from the window. I look up to my window and see the glass is no longer there, neither are my curtains. It seemed like it was midnight but I couldn’t see a single cloud, star or even a moon in sight. I try to roll over to check if there was anything in my room but all I could feel was pain. ‘I had to push through the pain if I want to find out what happened’ I told myself just so I could gain the willpower to even do anything.

I eventually moved onto my other side, all I wanted was a pain killer to stop the pain so I could fall back asleep. But there was no pain killer on my bedside table, nor the bedside table itself. I felt myself shiver and I knew something happened while I was sleeping. I wished I had night vision so I could see what was the case, but I wasn't able to since i’m not magical. I pushed through the tornado of pain and crawled to my door, I used the little strength I had to push the door open and then I facepalmed into the ground, I felt exhausted and powerless. All I wanted was my bed so I could fall asleep. But it didn’t seem like I could, even the carpet was gone. I eventually looked up to nothing, it seemed like my parents moved out the house but I doubt they would leave me behind. I crawl with the thought that I could hug my parents and that this was normal, but when I peak over past the door frame hoping to see my parents and their bed, but I didn’t see a thing.

I felt powerless and I wanted to scream in agonising pain but I knew that it would do nothing. I wasn't able to take my mind off the pain in my back and me holding back my tears. I eventually gave up and screamed my heart out, Hoping somebody would come and save me from this horror. But… Nobody did. I couldn’t scream no more since my voice just left me and so did my parents, my throat, back and heart are hurting. I couldn’t even cry. I had nothing left, I was starving and exhausted. I didn’t understand what and how. I can’t even fall asleep. All I could do was wait until some sort of miracle happened. But that even seemed unlikely.

Soon enough, seconds become minutes, minutes become hours, hours become days and I'm still here. I’m still suffering and I don’t see me stopping. It seems that I've been left here to die, to suffer a painful and long death. It seems like it was all planned and at first, I didn’t even realise it. I didn’t even realise that this could’ve been planned. And I wished I had. I shut my eyes… Hoping that this will all be put to an end… Hoping that I can forget about how this all happened… Hoping the pain would go away… Soon enough, my suffering finally ended. I had died. I don’t understand how or why it had to be me to suffer this painful death. I didn’t look everywhere but I couldn’t bear the pain anymore.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Tea Time with Nana - Swamp Radio!

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

It's near the end of term 3 which means school break. At the start of the term, we got to learn a little bit about the power of media! we could choose from Newspaper, Radio, Social Media and T.V Media! I chose radio and I've invited all of my blogger viewers to listen to the show! here is some audio :3

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Western Genre - Video Essay.

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

This term in Literacy we had to choose a genre and write a video essay on that genre and its conventions etc. I decided to choose Western because I felt more familiar and wanted a challenge. We had to write a script so we remember what we were saying and then we had to create a visual slide or presentation and then we had to add audio in a quiet space so we didn't have people talking in the background which would make it hard for the audience to know who to listen to. then we had to finalize it and hand it in to our literacy teacher. It's Unfortunate that the video essay that I did is too huge to fit on blogger so I'll link the script.

P.S - I'm still trying to figure out a few things on blogger.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Alice in Wonderland - A simple animation and essay.

Kia ora fellow Bloggers!

Last term I was told in literacy to make an animation based on the story we were given. Some were given Coraline, and I was one of the people who was given Alice in Wonderland. We had to choose a scene for the animation. The scene me and my friend did was where Alice was wandering through the forest and meets the singing flowers. Here is the animation! please give some feedback! :3 And We were also told to write an essay, you can read through it and also give me some information :3



P.s - I have forgotten how to add images or insert slides :3

Friday, April 12, 2019

Dancing with the Wolves - E Book

This is my story for Shaw Literacy. Please have a read and let me know what you think? :)
Dancing With The Wolves. by Tamzin Wallis-Martin

Monday, April 8, 2019


Kia Ora Bloggers,

It's that time of the term where kids post a very interesting blog post on a reflection for their goals...
Every year at Marshland School,  all the kids have to make a goal ladder and have to attempt to achieve our goals in one year. Here is my 2019 Goal Ladder.

So far for Writing, Reading or Other, I've not gotten a start on my goals yet but I will have to start on them in Term 2 if I want to achieve them. My reflection on my Maths goal is so far going great! I have done rungs 1 and 2 which was pretty successful but now I've got to complete rungs 3 and so on. but to round up how I've done on my goals... I think I should focus more on my goals next term if I want to complete the goals.

Friday, April 5, 2019


Kia ora fellow readers!

This week in Toroa we had an event called Survivor Toroa!! It spans for a whole week and the best thing for lots of people is the fact we didn't have to learn anything really, but there was a lot of teamwork and you got to dress up in mufti. But you had to wear your house color. The house colors are Red *Whitau*, Green *Harakeke*, Yellow *Korowai* and Blue *Kahu Kiwi*. We had many challenges that we had to participate and some side challenges that we would select a couple people to participate in. Although they were optional so you don't have to feel like you gotta do it. One of the challenges was a whipped cream challenge. Where we would have a dollop of whipped cream on the top of our hand and we would use our other hand and fling the whipped cream into the air and we would try to catch the whipped cream in our mouths. It was pretty fun and anyone could do it. In my opinion, I think Survivor Toroa was super fun with all the challenges and the side challenges that we could watch if you weren't chosen. The number of activities we had was just perfect and in the end, if your class wanted to do something fun. I'd recommend trying your own version of Survivor Toroa!

If you want to see some pictures of our experience,

Click On This Link!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Maori Amounts/Items *with english!!*

Hey fellow readers,

Welcome to my new post that you're currently reading! On Friday we had to do a shopkeeper ad a customer questions and we had multiple items that we could ask for but we also needed to have an amount for how much we wanted of that item. we were told to make 5 posters of the question in Maori and the translation in English. here is the link to my slide with the posters!

Link to the slide, The Slide link!

link to the website used for making the posters, AutoDraw

Friday, March 1, 2019

My interesting goal ladder for 2019!

Hey there! every year we have to make a goal ladder showing what our goals are and we try to accomplish. what are some of your goals for 2019??

URL to my goal ladder for 2019!!

comment down below what some of your goals are!

My word art about overused words!

I'm back again, this time our class had to make some word art around overused words and search up
______ synonyms and then clicked on a thesaurus website and written down some alternatives to the overused word. here are my examples!

The URL to my slide about overused words!!

The website to create the word arts!

Thanks for reading my post, please comment! you can use the words in the slide!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

My Camp Reflection DLO for 2019 Camp at YMCA!!

Hey There! this term we went for a trip to Wainui for YMCA camp!
The video explains a bit more about the trip in a short 1: 35-minute video!
Come and watch the video! 

I used biteable to make the video! if you want to use biteable, use the link below!