
Friday, February 28, 2020

*.+ Charity Posters! (Not Sponsored) +.*

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

Welcome back to another blog post! This week my teachers told us to do some research on the local charities that are in Canterbury! <3 Here is a list of all of them that we looked into. :3

☞ Voices of Hope
☞ Neighborhood Support Canterbury
☞ Citizens Advice Bureau
☞ Women's Refuge
☞ Oranga Tamariki
☞ Cadbury Purple Locker
☞ Foodbank Christchurch
☞ Salvation Army
☞ Christchurch Libraries
☞ Automobile Association (AA)
☞ Police 105
☞ 298 Youth Health
☞ Outline NZ
☞ Youthline
☞ Kidsline
☞ All Right?

These are only a few charities based in NZ! If you need any support you can look through this list and so some research on these and see what you need help on. Because everyone should have a right to be here, a right to feel safe and a right to feel like you're not alone. It's ok to Speak Up about anything. then we had to make a poster on Canva displaying the local Charity of our choice! Here is the two I did (Because I'm ExTrA)

Voices Of Hope by Tamzin Wallis-Martin

Friday, February 21, 2020

+.* The Brilliant Statistics on Cars! Well, Not fully. *.+

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

I'm back for another blog post on Mathematics. So in maths this term we are collecting data to make a statistics report to showcase to all of our fellow students. We were originally doing sport but I'm not a real sports fan so I decided to do cars! (I did ask my maths teacher if that was ok and he agreed!)

So far I've found out that the most expensive car ever to exist took almost 5 years to create and its a whopping 13-14 million! Quite expensive. The car reminds me of a mix between a Royles Royce and a Long Limo. Although there are some cheaper cars like the Tesla that I find more pretty than that car. Although you might think else! It's just my opinion. Speaking of Tesla... My dream car that I would love to go research a bit more is a Tesla! I love the way that they design it just for you.

I am going to be researching a few different cars. I'm going to research my parents' cars, some of the most common cars and my dream cars! I'll update you on how it goes next week! but for now... See youuz!

Friday, February 14, 2020

+.* About the Fantastic Me! *.+

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

Welcome back to my blog! I surely hope you had a wonderful break over the Summer! I went Quad~biking in Hamner Springs, Had many sleepovers with some of my best friends, Relaxed on a lovely hammock at home and I also looked for my missing cat :c.

I also recently went to the Queen + Adam Lambert concert in Dunedin! I loved that concert and it will always be in my memories! What did you do over the School Holidays?

Now not many people know a whole heap about me so in this lovely blog post I'll be able to tell more about myself and you can also get to know me better! <3

My favorite things/people!~

♾ Favorite Food(s) ~ BBQ Ribs, Rice and Tostadas {Or Tacos}! ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ–๐ŸŒฎ

♾ Favorite Things to do ~ Play Video Games, Help cook, Dance till I drop, Draw Random things, Hang out with friends/family and more! ๐ŸŒ„

♾ Favorite Animal(s) ~ All of them! Especially Ferrets! ♡

♾ Favorite Color(s) ~ All of them! ❤️๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’–

♾ Favorite Flower(s) ~ Roses and Lavender! ๐ŸŒบ

♾ Favorite TV Show ~ American Survivor and Disney+! ๐Ÿฟ

♾ Favorite Book/Movie Genre(s) ~ Horror, Fantasy and Mystery! ๐ŸŽฅ

♾ Favorite Holiday & Season ~ Summer/Spring and Halloween! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŽƒ

♾ Favorite Countries ~ Germany, America and NZ! ๐ŸŒ

Hopefully, we can talk in the comments! I love hearing your thoughts! See you sometime soon! <3