
Friday, December 4, 2020

+*.+~ {Normal School} ~ Day abc? ~ Valindra the Rose Goddess! Was she a Twisted Goddess? ~+.*+

 Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

It's been a while since I've last posted {Almost a month to be exact!} and I apologize for that. But recently swimming started and since I'm a non-swimmer, we got assigned to do two of these rubric tasks in the afternoon, while all the swimmers were at their lessons. Unfortunately, I'm still working on my 2nd task which is a story about an alien invasion, but I'd love to introduce you to Valindra the Rose Goddess! I even provided a little bit of information about her powers, and a brief summary of her backstory.  

{P.S sorry if it's hard to read it, I wanted to make it look pretty, but just in case I'll write what it says <3}

The top slide reads - Valindra. Valindra Rose Vine is the Goddess of Love and the growth of Roses. When she feels harmed, she can shoot out thorned vines at her prey, causing them to freeze in pain. She may look harmless and stunning but deep inside she has her cunning plans.

The bottom slide reads - Valindra. Valindra Rose Vine was born in 1624 in a small town named 'Divinia'. She was the middle child out of 5, being almost forgotten by her parents. She grew up facing struggles with learning, due to her learning disability yet her parents didn't find that as a "good excuse" to her C grades. But no matter what she strived through her gardening classes, except she became a rule breaker in High School. She didn't wear what she was supposed to, causing her to get expelled. She then packed her bags and moved away into the nature. That was when she discovered what she really loved doing, growing a rose garden to live in. To this day her spirit haunts her garden, rumour has it that she was the twisted goddess. Yet, nobody knows how she died.

This blog post is a bit short, but I hope to present to you my alien invasion story soon!~ Well see you sometime in the near future! Toodles!~

{P.S ~ if you're feeling down or in need to talk to someone, just so you know it's ok to do so! I'm even here if you need to talk to someone. Stay safe. <3}

Thursday, November 5, 2020

+*.+~ {Normal School} ~ Day Idek ~ New Zealand culture's adventures! ~+.*+

Kia Ora beautiful Tim-Tamz!

It's been a while since I've last done a blog post, and I apologize for that! Recently we've been really focusing on how beautiful our own country is and its native techniques and activities like Ki-O-Rahi, The Kiwiana Statues, and even the Hangi!

I've created posters of how to play Ki-O-Rahi and how technology has changed how Hangi's are done! And did some slides on some traditional Maori things like the Korowai, Haka, and Ta Moko. Here they are! I'd love feedback on them :)

That's all for today's blog post! I'll see you in the next blog post on Friday! Toodles~

{P.S ~ If you are feeling low, or in need to talk to someone. Just so you know it's ok to ask for help and talk about your emotions. Stay safe and love y'all <3}

Friday, October 16, 2020

✦ *.+~ {Normal School} ~ Day ?? ~ Term 4 has officially started! Well- Doesn't feel like it has... ~+.* ✦

✦ Hola Niรฑos!  ✦

✦ Welcome back to the final term of 2020! It's actually a sad term in a way because it's my last year/term at Marshland School. It's been such a journey of 8 Years being here {Well 7 and a 1/2} and I'll never forget it. ✦

✦ But that aside, I've had a busy Holiday! From having a single person over for a week to have three friends over in the course of five days! Oh and the family visits. ✦

✦ For the first person who stayed for a week, we went to the Hot Pools in New Brighton {Reccomended they're awesome}, the Dairy nearby where I live, to the Mall for lunch and to splurge on some things and some awesome disco nights! ✦

✦ For the second wave of friends we had some... interesting... roleplays... on Roblox, a great trip to a closer mall to get lunch and some items, and a disco! ✦ 

✦ Then the last person we had some more roleplays on Roblox that weren't as- eventful as the other roleplays... and we sung our hearts out because my sister was at my mother's for the weekend! It sure was fun :) ✦

✦ For school, we've been getting back to the normal schedule. For Literacy, we've been starting our films! My group is doing a murder mystery sort of movie! I'll show you our character descriptions for now because I don't want to spoil anything! No spoilers... ✦

✦ For Numeracy, we've been covering some basic multiplication of decimals. There's not much to show because it's all in my book, but I'll take pictures for the next blog post {If I remember} ✦

✦ Apart from that, I do hope you've had a safe Holiday! And I hope you all are doing well! Well, see y'all next week! <3 ✦

✦ {P.S ~ If you are feeling low, or in need to talk to someone. Just so you know it's ok to ask for help and talk about your emotions. Stay safe and love y'all <3} ✦

Friday, September 11, 2020

✦*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day ?? ~ Building Adventures and More! It's sure fun! +.*✦

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

Welcome to another blog post! This week I kept on doing my map {I'm not sure if I told you guys about it} which is called Tamazon!

Basically, it's a chaotic country with bean island close near. From Atom Bomb storages to a heritage park with a massive lake that may or may not hide something deep under... It's certainly a chaotic place but it has some area that is very peaceful and others not so much... Bean Island is more peaceful with the iconic landmark Stonebench. {Yes you read that right, Stonebench not Stonehedge}

I once again have been working on my video essay but I still haven't finished or had anything to show just yet, also because I don't wanna spoil it!~ But I can tell you the genre, it's fantasy! Have you written a video essay before? I'd like to know! If not, did you know it existed?

In my spare time, I played a game with my friend on Roblox called SCP-3008. It's a cool game where you have to gather things in an Ikea and build a shelter to survive the night and avoid the workers there. Here are some pictures of our base! We had an observation area, medkit storage and even a worker held captive. It was a lot of work but it was so fun! I recommend it to play with friends but do be warned if you get scared easily it may not be suitable for you.

I hope you have had an amazing week! But that's all for now!~ See you next week! Toodles!~

{P.S ~ If you are feeling down or sad then just so you know it's ok to ask for help! It gets better, I know everyone says that but it really does. Stay safe! <3}

Friday, September 4, 2020

+*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day 20?? ~ This week on Keeping up with Karen {Tamzin}... +.*+

 Bonjour Beautiful Tim-Tamz!~

Another Week just went past! Week 8 is on the horizon and I am amazed by how fast this term has gone past. Let alone year! 

But apart from that, I've learnt something valuable! It's about how one person's opinion doesn't matter. If the whole world {7.? Billion People} thought what that one person does, then maybe think about what they're saying. But considering it can be one to a small group of people who think that about you, just don't care about their opinion! It's their opinion out of this whole world, why let that change you? Just be you, life's too short to attempt to fit in anyways.

But For literacy, I've been busy working on my Video Essay which is due on the last week of school. I haven't finished it though so when it's completed I'll for sure show it to you guys!~ The book is still being illustrated though so I cannot show you anything yet! But I'm excited to show you guys when it's finished :)

For Numeracy, we've been learning the Probability of the Lotto. It's certainly an interesting and different thing to learn about but it's interesting to guess the actual odds and learn more about how the lotto works. Unfortunately, I don't fully know the actual probability just yet but when I have a rough estimate I'll for sure tell you guys! 

But we've been using tree diagrams to find the probability of some things, take rolling a dice, or flipping a coin. You'd use tree diagrams to show the working out of the probability of it! Really interesting :)

For Inquiry, we've decorated the RAMEN Rocket and we're setting up for the last flight! Wish us luck <3 {I have a fun thing to do if you're bored associated with rockets! Get 1-2 Empty and Clean soda bottles and create a rocket that you could fly! It's really fun to do and you can customize it to be your own! IF you have siblings maybe try to create the best rocket!} I'll show you our logo for now as I don't wanna spoil to much of the RAMEN Rocket. the logo :)

I've also been working on a PSA about recycling correctly, but it's taking a little longer so I'll include a smaller, separate blog post for it so I'm able to give a better explanation.

I hope you guys are having a great week! I sure have :) Also Happy Birthday to my Father! <3

Have a lovely rest of your week + next week! Toodles <3

{P.S ~ If you are feeling down, or in need to talk to someone. Just so you know, It's ok to talk through your problems. Contact a Helpline or even me. I'm here to talk things through <3 Stay safe during these times <3}

Friday, August 28, 2020

+*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day ??? ~ It's been a while! Whoops- +.*+

 Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

It's definitely been a minute since I've posted... {Maybe a few weeks but that's besides the point} But I have some things to cover! Firstly for Literacy, I have made a script of a children's book! However I wasn't at school when we got to Illustrate them so I'm going to illustrate the book myself over the weekend! So hopefully it'll be ready by next week's blog post!~ But I'll show you the script!

It was a beautiful, sunny morning up at the ranch. 

The birds were singing, and the trees were swaying.

And all the cows were doing the normal cow things…

Eating the grass and just enjoying the simple things.

But there was a special cow in the bunch,

Who wasn’t doing what everyone else was doing.

That special cow was a strawberry cow,

A small, fragile white and pink cow who stood out from the rest.

She didn’t understand why though, 

She felt as she should’ve been normal.

Some of the younger cows would look at the strawberry cow weirdly,

And she felt insecure about herself.

She started to go further away from the other cows,

And started to miss all of the fun events.

She starting thinking about a way to change her appearance.

So she wouldn’t stand out so much. 

She tried painting herself black and white to become normal,

But when it rained it would wash away.

She tried hiding under something,

But that didn’t work.

She decided that painting herself would have to do…

The other cows started to worry where strawberry cow went!

Her disguise was finally working!...

A bit too well that is.

She carried on for weeks painting her pink spots black.

Not a single cow found out!

Until one week… A cow noticed she was painting herself and stopped her.

“Oh, dear strawberry cow! What are you doing to your special coat?” Said the cow in a fright.

“I’m trying to fit in! I do not want to stand out! I just want to be normal…” The Strawberry cow exclaimed.

“But Strawberry cow! Oh how lovely your coat is!...

From Pink to White, you are sure able to stop any show!...

But why do you feel like you should change? Embrace yourself like a sunset gaze!”

The Strawberry cow looked at the other cow and thought for a second…

“Maybe I shouldn’t try to fit in… Maybe it’s better to stand out”

“Exactly Strawberry cow, exactly! Standing out is better than being normal!”

Soon after that talk, the strawberry cow stopped! She finally learned that being different…

Was perfectly ok! Now she’s able to feel happy about being different!

She started teaching other cows with differences to embrace their differences!

Soon everybody was happy and feeling their best!

The end.

For Numeracy we've been learning a little about the biggest number in the world that has been used and what a factorial is. A factorial is where it's the ! next to a number {Example ~ 5!} and it means basically that the number is 5x4x3x2x1 = ?. Pretty cool right! However I don't know much nor enough information about the largest number in the world that was used. However if you were to think the number using your brain it would kill you. NOT that I recommend doing such thing but it's true. Unfortuantly I don't have anything to show you guys this week! But possibly next week. :)

For Inquiry we've been doing more rocket science and getting ready to make our final rockets! However our rocket will need some tweaking because it isn't flying incredibly well. I went sort of high but it went wonky and didn't go very far, so we're hoping the next test flight will result in a better performance! I'll keep you guys updated on it :)

I don't have anything to show that I've been doing at home this week either but I hope you guys are doing well and staying safe! QOTW {Question of the Week} ~ How do you feel about COVID-19 being in our country again? Are you feeling anxious? I'd love to know! But apart from that I once again hope you are doing well! Toodles for next week~

{P.S ~ I hope you are all feeling safe! However if you need to talk to someone feel free to talk to someone or contact a helpline. It's ok to speak up. :)} <3

Friday, July 24, 2020

*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day 5 ~ Mashup of my {eventful} week! +.*

Guten Tact Beautiful Tim~Tamz! 

It's the end of the first week of Term 3 and it's been fun! However, I wasn't here for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday thanks to a lovely headache. But Thursday and Friday have been incredibly fun! With my friends and me making each other laugh. But anyway here is my weekly recap.

Friday, July 3, 2020

*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day legit holidays ~ The breath-taking Southern and Northen Lights!

Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

This week is the last week of school! And I'm really excited because I get to stay up late and sleep in! It feels like it's been 23 weeks since the last holidays because yes I know lockdown I was at home and was able to sleep in but normally I have friends over and I go places, but due to COVID-19 we couldn't so it didn't feel like an official holiday.

This week we've been learning a little about Southern and Northern lights! And let me tell you to know they're so beautiful with how they move and reflect some marvelous colors! And we were able to create a beautiful art piece using chalk pastels {very fragile}, white paint, paintbrush {or tooth brush}, black paper, and a single piece of A4 paper! Here is my finished result!

{Sorry the image is sideways, the person who took it did that :| }

If you don't fully understand what the Northern/ Southern Lights here is a little bit about them :)

Did you know that 'Aurora' is the Latin word for sunrise or the Roman goddess of dawn! :3
An Aurora is a natural light shined in the sky in the Arctic and Antarctica that's usual colors are green, blue, and sometimes pink, purple, and red.
An Aurora is created by a collision of energetically charged particles with atoms in the high altitude and they color the sky with the colors and create the shifting light effect in the "Aurora Areas".

Have you ever seen these? If not, do you want to see them? If you have was it a surreal experience?

That's all I have for this blog post! See you after Term 2 Holidays~ Toodles!

{P.S ~ If you are feeling down or sad, just so you know it's ok to seek help and it always gets better, even when it doesn't seem like it. Because these situations form us to be who we are!}

Friday, June 26, 2020

*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day near the end of term 2 ~ HOLIDAYS IN 1 WEEK!! YAY :) +.*

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

It's another week closer to the holidays! We almost have completed Term 2! What do you have planned for the holidays? I'm going to have my mother's wedding in the second week and a friend coming over on the first! I'm really excited :)

Anyway for literacy this week we've been looking at the genre musical! We watched Beauty and The Beast live remake and truly it's stunning! Even though it was made in 2017 it still is a brilliant movie, and it showcases musicals very well and musicals aren't always all bubbly and happy. Here is my slide about the task we did before watching the movie! It was where we get an old movie and a new movie {atleast 20 years apart} also don't mind the decorations I put onto the slide. It just was added to make it special to me :)

Friday, June 19, 2020

*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day ??? ~ Finally, the website is complete! And so is some more maths! :) +.*

Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

Another week has flown past! And It's been quite eventful! I recently got a new phone because my old phone was no longer supporting the newest updates nor was it's battery handling very well. Apart from that I finally got my website completed. And I'm excited to hear your feedback! :)

Friday, June 12, 2020

*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day idek ok ~ #blacklivesmatter ~ Racism isn't a joke +.*

Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

How are you all! I'm so excited to say this... but New Zealand is finally in Level 1!! We have fully conquered COVID~19! <3

Monday, June 8, 2020

*.+ {Normal School} ~ DAY IDEK ~ Comic Strip about Situational Irony +.*

Hello, Beautiful Tim~ Tamz!

Last week on Thursday we're taught about three different types of irony. 
There is Situational irony, wherein a situation there is a cake carrier who carries a 4 to 5 tier cake and as it goes to place the cake down the person falls and lands into the cake. But if it was a normal person that would be kind of expected because they wouldn't be so strong. But if it was a professional cake lifter then it would be quite ironic.

Another is Dramatic irony. For example, there is a group of pirates on their ship sailing to an island for a quest. They have no idea that behind them is a shark, but the audience knows that there is a shark.
Lastly is Verbal Irony, it's where someone can say 'it's a beautiful day outside' and it's pouring down with rain. That's with sarcasm, however Verbal irony doesn't have to always be included with sarcasm.

I made my comic strip based on Situational Irony, with my friends Gaia and CariDee as the audience and Me as the main character.

Friday, June 5, 2020

*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day .>. ~ Sometimes, doing your schoolwork is a possibility +.*

Howdy Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

It's been an eventful week for me! Because the Queen's B~Day was on Monday! Which was a day off! I was although quite lazy because I didn't have anything to do. But I finally took some pretty pictures of random things in my house so that's an accomplishment.

Friday, May 29, 2020

*.+ {Normal School} ~ Day 10 ~ Interesting week for me! Well, not extremely interesting. +.*

Kia Ora Beautiful Tim Tamz,

Combined Blog Post about my week once again! How are you all feeling? I know I feel way better than I did on Wednesday and Thursday {It wasn't coronavirus don't worry}.

Friday, May 22, 2020

*.+ {Normal School!} ~ Day 5 ~ Keeping up to date on schoolwork is kinda hard... +.*

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

It's been basically 8 Weeks since I've last been in school and it feels weird. I've gotten so used to normal school everyday life that the moment lockdown hit I freaked out in away. My emotions went w i l d and it gave me some self-time. Overall it was a rollercoaster, emotionally, and physically. But It was worth it because it cleared the fog in my brain about my feelings and it got me into the habit of writing down my feelings.

Over the lockdown period, I was reading the book and watching the movie about the Wizard of Oz. And in my opinion, I think it covers some serious topics in a less grim way. My Teacher has set us to create a google site about wizard of oz and some topics we want to cover. Here is a current screenshot of the home page as it's not complete. but I will add a link once it's finished :)

For Math I've been answering these algebra questions using a program called Kaggle. It uses a coding language called Python to answer some math questions. Although you don't use the normal multiplication symbol nor division, instead you use these symbols. / = a fraction or division, * = times or multiplication, **3 = a certain number times 3 but in a shorter way and + symbol for plus. Brackets are also used for some occasions. Here is a picture of my slide for some evidence :)

Apart from that I've been living life to its fullest! How have you been going with your schoolwork? I'd love to know! Well See you in the next blog post! Toodles <3

{P.S ~ If you are feeling down or in need to ask for help about mental health or something else, just know that it's ok to ask and reach out. I'm here as well if you need to speak to someone. <3 Stay safe.}

*.+ {Normal School!} ~ Day 5 ~ FINALLY! I now have gone somewhere other than home :) +.*

Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

Sorry for my 2-week absence, I forgot to post one week and wasn't feeling well the other! Apart from that how are you all? I do hope you and your families are feeling ok and aren't so paranoid anymore. I've been recently considering what life will be like after lockdown, and let me tell you I bet a lot more people are more aware of sicknesses.

All kids on Monday the 17th of May went back to school! And let me tell you that I really missed school, and I don't normally say that... {Sorry Teachers, it's not you!} And I felt really happy to be able to go somewhere other than my mother's home and my father's. But I was also happy to see my friends in person again because seeing them on calls just isn't the same.

If I was to give a reflection of my time in lockdown, I'd call it eventful. At the start, I was kind of panicking due to what the other countries like America have dealt with Covid-19. But progressively I became a bit more calmer and I noticed that throughout lockdown was a time to actually see who's a good president {or prime minister} and who isn't. And it's pretty clear that NZ is blessed with our lovely President.

Towards the end of lockdown however I really was going insane, because humans need to socialize and communicate with each other and this lockdown period and strange time have proven that pretty clearly. But It's also made me express my thoughts and write them down so I can get things off my shoulders, and I do truly recommend that because it does work!

I also learned some new things in lockdown, like what a Fractal is {a closed shape with an infinite perimeter} and a technique for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions. And It's quite easy! Basically, you take the question {1/13 x 4/7} and do this technique! 1x13 and 4x7 = 13 and 28 = 13/28! And that's how you do it!

In words, it's basically you grab the fraction and turn it into a multiplication question and then add the two answers together. and for division, it's an extra step. Take the same question and flip the easiest fraction around and do the same technique. You get the same answer :)

I do hope you find that technique interesting and what I've said inspiring in some way! I do hope you are all safe and happy and I'll see you in the next blog!

Toodles!~ <3

{P.S - If you are feeling down, or in need to speak up about mental health or physical health but too scared to tell somebody, please reach out for help. You're not alone during these hard times and it'll be ok.}

Thursday, April 30, 2020

*.+ {SCHOOL@HOME} ~ Day idek anymore ~ How am I keeping myself from going insane... *.+

Kia Ora Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

Guess what! I haven't ripped down the walls of my bedroom just yet! I know right... insane. All jokes aside how have you all been? Did you go and do the stand at dawn event on ANZAC day? I did and it was very humble, remembering those who fought for us. Those who lost their lives to help ours, and it's important to not forget those who did that.

I have some new things to showcase to you all! Including a video of what I've been doing while school is out!~ But firstly, I'll showcase the school work. So on the menu this week we have 'Guess the Emoji',

Guess the emoji! I have a task for you all! try to guess what the meaning is using the emojis as a guide! I might add more but I would like to see how it goes with what I have. So why not give it a try? :) {P.S ~ Still figuring out the whole adding documents system. :)}

How did you go on that? Was it enough? Well, I have another thing to show you guys! In my spare time, I've been working on a few things.  {Lost the footage so hopefully, I'll have a blog post dedicated to it soon!~}

Please do take this time to reflect on who you are and take the time to care about yourself. We are all in a weird place and time in the world right now, but let's all be thankful that we're alive and we are surrounded by the support! If you feel like you need someone to talk to, I'm always here and so are others. It's important to make sure everyone feels ok during these rough times. Maybe telling your parents you love them can help their day! Or calling your grandparents' {or parents if you are an adult} and seeing how they're doing.
I hope you all are doing well and are safe! Toodles!~

~ Tamzin

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

*.+ {SCHOOL@HOME} ~ Day ?? ~ I haven't seen a single car go past in 3 days... +.*

Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

It's been a while since I have been somewhere other than both of my parents home {Don't worry my parents are allowed to see both me and my sister} or let alone a single car go past.
This whole quarantine period of our lives sure has all of us in our thoughts. I spent a good hour ~ 2 hours writing down my thoughts and I realized how much is on my mind. I realized that I need to clear the bad things out of my life because most of my thought were past events that still to this day have a mental effect on me.
If you are feeling stressed or anything else that is making you not be yourself. Then I truly recommend you open a notebook or a document and write down your thoughts, maybe dedicate a whole entire doc or book to it and write down anything that happens during the day. Because I already can see myself feeling a lot better removing the things that were affecting me like toxic friendships or relationships. So please do consider writing down your thoughts once every day or so, because you can realize how much you think about these things. {Also, you can let out any emotion while doing so.}

I told myself as well about what issues with myself I had that was making me feel sad, mad or not myself. For example, I noticed how many fights I would get included in and how it affected me mentally, or how I had such a short temper. I told myself that I want to change myself, mentally I want to remove the toxic thoughts I give myself, the toxic friendships that truly affect me, and how I let them affect me. You don't have to do this but I chose to because I want to portray who I really want to become, not who I currently am. Because even though someone will give a smile and seem so positive like me, we on the inside could be hurting really bad. And it's always good to realize these things before it escalates.

Now onto what this blog post really was meant to be about, my work!

Recently I've been reading the book 'The Wizard of OZ' and it's truly a good book. My literacy teacher recently assigned us a task to create an art piece based on what I have seen or what I've read in the book. I noticed from what I've seen is Dorothy's Dress, and how simple it is. it beautiful don't get me wrong but I feel like it's not what it could be. I saw it's potential.

So for my simple art piece I spent basically an hour on I decided to redraw Dorothy's Dress in my style! Please let me know what you think of the dress!~ Any feedback will be noticed ^w^.

Hope you all are being healthy and staying safe! What have you been doing to keep yourself from going insane? I'd love to know ^^~ See you guys soon!~

Monday, April 20, 2020

*.+ {SCHOOL@HOME} ~ Day ??? ~ It's getting spooky in here! +.*

Kia Ora Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

Welcome back to another blog post! I forgot to post Thursday and Friday so I do hope this makes up for it!~
On Thursday my literacy teacher, Mr. Shaw gave us a task to create our own witch! Unfortunately for the past few days, I've been going through an art block so I had to use a screenshot I had taken a Lil bit ago. This is her slide! She is currently got a bounty of IM+ because of the cruel things she has done for most of her life.

I tried designing the slide to look sort of magical to suit her theme/vibe. If you'd like to go ahead and load up a google slide and create your own witch!~ Just no copy cat's allowed.
I hope you all are feeling alright and haven't gone insane! Toodles~

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

*.+ {SCHOOL@HOME} ~ Day ?? ~ I'm back for more! What day was it again? +.*

Hola Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

It certainly has been a fortnight since I've blogged! How were your Holidays? Did you do anything cool? I certainly did! I went in my Step~Dad's Old Model T! {search model t up if you don't know} And I helped my family out! Although you do have to stay inside so there was that. :|

I've created a Timetable on Canva for Schooling at Home. {not really homeschooling but you know what I mean} And I thought I'd show you it, You can use it to help you as well :)
Hopefully, all of you are safe and feeling alright :D

+.* ~ Timetable for Covid~19 Schooling ~ *.+ by Tamzin Wallis-Martin

Have you got a plan for these remaining COVID~19 days? If so, please let me know! If not, why not try to sort something out with your family? :)
See you tomorrow! Bye! <3

Friday, March 27, 2020

*.+ {QUARANTINE} ~ Day 4 ~ The vibes are getting real! {possible sleep in warning} +.*

Talofa Lava Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

It's day 4 and I have become slightly bored with becoming a burrito... So I decided to do some tasks! {go to the first blog post with quarantine in the title to understand} I came back to playing on maths playground, and I played for 40 minutes! I played Duck Life 4 and I got up to five ducks with great stats and played in two tournaments! Certainly an improvement from last time I played Duck Life 4!

I've also been watching Tik Tok and playing games to speed time up. But I took a break from devices and attempted to build a fort on my bed, although that didn't end very well...
I also did some chores yesterday to show how much I care about my parents because they were both pretty busy. I cleaned the Mount Everest of dishes, did the first load of laundry and deadheaded all the plants in the garden. In the process, I got bitten by an evil baby mosquito and now I have a lump from it. Not pleasant but oh well.

I'm also going to play Trans America with my dad and stepmom tonight. Hopefully, I can beat them, but they are pretty good at playing that game so I'm not sure.

Have you all been enjoying time off school? If so, what have you been doing to keep entertained? If not, maybe try to think of something you could do like build a fort, create a new game, build something using everyday items in your home as some examples. I hope you all are safe and feeling well. Well, see you!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

*.+ {QUARANTINE} ~ Day 3 ~ Going outside after 3 days! Yay! {recommended} +.*

Guten Tact Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

It's day 3 and I thought that the day looks absolutely amazing! I really had fun playing with my fam last night! I also got positive feedback from all of my family members with my cooking. I think personally I did good!

Today I've been sleeping a lot because of no school! I also made a big breakfast, I had cereal with blueberries, a palmful of blueberries, two plums and spaghetti bolognese {yes from last night}. Then I created an eBook cover for a story I'm writing! Here is the eBook cover. I'd love to hear your feedback! :3

Sleepaway Academy ~ Grade 1. by Tamzin Wallis-Martin

I've also been talking to my friends and playing games with them :). It's quite fun! I've also been dancing and I'm hosting a dance party with my stepmom in the garage tonight. I'm going to help her out with the garden as well. Fingers crossed she goes out!

How are you feeling? Are you missing your friends? I sure am :C. Well, stay safe during these rough times. See you on tomorrows blog post! Toodles!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

*.+ {QUARANTINE} ~ Day 2 ~ Spending Quality Time with Friends and Family +.*

Kia Ora Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

It's day 2 of Quarantine and I thought I don't spend a heap of time with my family so I'd do some of the family-related tasks! {see my first post of quarantine for more info}. Although I can't fully say my results until tomorrow because we all are together after dinner.

But I can explain the tasks that I will do :)
Firstly I am planning tonight's dinner! I'm having Spaghetti Bolognese {Spaghetti, Sauce, Onion, Mushrooms, and Capsicum} with homemade Garlic Bread {Any type of delicious bread, butter, and garlic powder *garlic cloves can be included for extra garlic*}. I already know how to make these too so it'll help me perfect it!

Then I'll be playing either Trans America or 3D Scrabble with my family and doing some Kahoots with them! I'm very excited to spend quality time with the people I love. We also possibly could watch some Disney+ together although I'm not sure yet.

I have been also chatting with some of my friends! It's been a blast and we are also playing Roblox and Minecraft together! Have you talked to your friends recently?

Have you spent some quality time with your family? If so, what did you do together? If not, why not consider spending time with them and do some cool things! Well, it's a short blog post today because I have no photos or anything yet.

Stay Safe and I wish you all a brilliant second day of quarantine! See you all tomorrow,

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

+.* {QUARANTINE} ~ Day 1 ~ The Official Sleepaway Academy Pick-a-Path! *.+

Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

Hello Again! Here is the third task from my Quarantine task post! {See post before to understand}.

This is my version of the Pick-a-Path Google Form Task! I previously wrote a story for my literacy about a girl attending this academy that I've created. {I cannot share the story because I turned it in}. But It's basically like getting ready for school. Here is the form!

{TUTORIAL} ~ How to create a Pick-a-Path on Google Forms.

1 ~ You have to create a new google form, no need for a certain layout.
2 ~ On the side of where you add questions, import questions, add a video, add a photo, etc. there should be a button at the bottom saying add a section.
3 ~ Once you've added a section you can add as many as you want and customize the Pick-a-Path.
4 ~ TIP ~ To make certain questions/options go to a certain section, press the three dots at the bottom of the question part and make it do go to certain sections {I forgot what it actually says but it's something like that} and then you can make it lead to that section of your choice! :)

Hopefully, that tutorial helps and you enjoyed my version!

Have you made a Pick-a-Path? If so, then what was it about? If not, then why not make your own tomorrow? I'd love to know! Well, see you on tomorrows blog post!
Toodles! <3

*.+ {QUARANTINE} ~ Day 1 ~ The activities I have done so far! {Fun Guaranteed} +.*

Bonjour Beautiful Tim~Tamz,

I'm back with another blog post! Except, I'm in the comforts of my home due to COVID-19. Maybe I should make a name for this because you have a little over 2 weeks of these posts! Oh, the joys of quarantine...

So in my hub {or class} we have these activities we must complete each day. The minimum you can do each day is 3. I can only share 2 currently because I'm still working on the third task :)

We have a variety of tasks to choose from in these categories :
☞ Reading
☞ Writing
☞ Maths
☞ Outdoors
☞ Hands-on
☞ Digital
☞ Other Stuff

If I'm very honest these categories are extremely cool! Well done to my teachers! These categories help us not become dumber over this quarantine/lockdown period of the year. {due to COVID} and to interact with our household members.

I think the ones I have done/doing so far are really fun! So these are the activities I did today.

I played on this website called 'Maths Playground' and it's really fun! I played on it for an hour. The games I played were :
☞ 'Duck life 4' and I got two ducks on that and competed in a tournament :)
☞ 'Candy Store' and I got to level 7! It's kinda difficult if you struggle with division or times tables, but still fun :) {You need to know your division and times tables for it}
☞ 'Candy Store' A different version of the game above but this version involves Algebra. I got to level 5 because I don't fully understand Algebra. :)

The next task which I'm still doing {although I will do a separate blog post on it when it's finished} is where you make a Pick-a-Path on 'Google Forms'. It's very fun to make! {the other blog post will give a tutorial on how to make one}

The last task I did is explaining what I did today to entertain myself in this blog post. So I've been doing these tasks and I've been playing this game called 'Roblox' with my friends. It's really fun and sure can keep you occupied. :) On Roblox, you can play many games that have been created by people around the world! I played 'Adopt Me!', 'Ultimate Driving: Westover', 'Welcome to Bloxburg' and 'Shark Bite'. They all are really fun and interactive!

If you would like to friend me on Roblox, Please comment down below your username! My user is CutiePugs808. :)

I hope you all are feeling healthy and are safe! Don't panic on what's happening because we are in a very safe country :)

QOTD ~ What have you been doing to entertain yourself today? I'd love to know! Well, see you all tomorrow! And stay Safe <3

Friday, March 13, 2020

*.+ My Interesting Rollercoaster of My Pepeha! {Doesn't include an Actual Roller Coaster} +.*

Kia Ora Beautiful Tim-Tamz!

This Term we've been looking at our identity, or Tลซrangawaewae. {The Maori Dictionary Defines it as A place where one has the right to stand. Place where one has the right of being through Kinship and Whakapapa}. Today we were told to make our own Pepeha in a slideshow or whatever we wanted to use that could at least represent our Pepeha. I decided to use my Bitmoji and Slideshow.

Here is what I created {As of above}. Please give any feedback on how I did, because I'd love to know what you think! :)

Question of the Post - What is your Pepeha? Do you have one? If not, why not try to create one.

See you all in the next Blog Post! <3

*.+ Simple Samoan Counting! {You can even interact with it!} +.*

Talofa Lava Beautiful Tim-Tamz!

This week in my class we had to make a program on Scratch that could convert normal numbers {i.e 1,2,3,4...} into Samoan Numbers {i.e Tasi, Lua, Tolu, Fa...} And here is what I made!

It was a pretty simple code to follow and it repeated itself, although it was also VERY easy to mess up. I added a few more things onto it so ti could change costumes so it looks like it's talking :)

If you are currently learning or wanting to learn how to count in Samoan then you can use my game to help! Maybe someday in the future, I'll make it say the sound. But that won't be happening today. If you also want to find out how to make your own version please let me know, I'd be very glad to show you all!

Well, see you guys in the next blog post! See you! <3

Friday, February 28, 2020

*.+ Charity Posters! (Not Sponsored) +.*

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

Welcome back to another blog post! This week my teachers told us to do some research on the local charities that are in Canterbury! <3 Here is a list of all of them that we looked into. :3

☞ Voices of Hope
☞ Neighborhood Support Canterbury
☞ Citizens Advice Bureau
☞ Women's Refuge
☞ Oranga Tamariki
☞ Cadbury Purple Locker
☞ Foodbank Christchurch
☞ Salvation Army
☞ Christchurch Libraries
☞ Automobile Association (AA)
☞ Police 105
☞ 298 Youth Health
☞ Outline NZ
☞ Youthline
☞ Kidsline
☞ All Right?

These are only a few charities based in NZ! If you need any support you can look through this list and so some research on these and see what you need help on. Because everyone should have a right to be here, a right to feel safe and a right to feel like you're not alone. It's ok to Speak Up about anything. then we had to make a poster on Canva displaying the local Charity of our choice! Here is the two I did (Because I'm ExTrA)

Voices Of Hope by Tamzin Wallis-Martin

Friday, February 21, 2020

+.* The Brilliant Statistics on Cars! Well, Not fully. *.+

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

I'm back for another blog post on Mathematics. So in maths this term we are collecting data to make a statistics report to showcase to all of our fellow students. We were originally doing sport but I'm not a real sports fan so I decided to do cars! (I did ask my maths teacher if that was ok and he agreed!)

So far I've found out that the most expensive car ever to exist took almost 5 years to create and its a whopping 13-14 million! Quite expensive. The car reminds me of a mix between a Royles Royce and a Long Limo. Although there are some cheaper cars like the Tesla that I find more pretty than that car. Although you might think else! It's just my opinion. Speaking of Tesla... My dream car that I would love to go research a bit more is a Tesla! I love the way that they design it just for you.

I am going to be researching a few different cars. I'm going to research my parents' cars, some of the most common cars and my dream cars! I'll update you on how it goes next week! but for now... See youuz!

Friday, February 14, 2020

+.* About the Fantastic Me! *.+

Hello, Beautiful Tim~Tamz!

Welcome back to my blog! I surely hope you had a wonderful break over the Summer! I went Quad~biking in Hamner Springs, Had many sleepovers with some of my best friends, Relaxed on a lovely hammock at home and I also looked for my missing cat :c.

I also recently went to the Queen + Adam Lambert concert in Dunedin! I loved that concert and it will always be in my memories! What did you do over the School Holidays?

Now not many people know a whole heap about me so in this lovely blog post I'll be able to tell more about myself and you can also get to know me better! <3

My favorite things/people!~

♾ Favorite Food(s) ~ BBQ Ribs, Rice and Tostadas {Or Tacos}! ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ–๐ŸŒฎ

♾ Favorite Things to do ~ Play Video Games, Help cook, Dance till I drop, Draw Random things, Hang out with friends/family and more! ๐ŸŒ„

♾ Favorite Animal(s) ~ All of them! Especially Ferrets! ♡

♾ Favorite Color(s) ~ All of them! ❤️๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’–

♾ Favorite Flower(s) ~ Roses and Lavender! ๐ŸŒบ

♾ Favorite TV Show ~ American Survivor and Disney+! ๐Ÿฟ

♾ Favorite Book/Movie Genre(s) ~ Horror, Fantasy and Mystery! ๐ŸŽฅ

♾ Favorite Holiday & Season ~ Summer/Spring and Halloween! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŽƒ

♾ Favorite Countries ~ Germany, America and NZ! ๐ŸŒ

Hopefully, we can talk in the comments! I love hearing your thoughts! See you sometime soon! <3